Browse EXAMPLES to find the images you would like to order.

Order archival prints

Prints for most images are 12"x18" when matted.

They are printed with a border on 13"x19" archival 5 star Epson Luster paper.

I prefer to ship unframed in poster tube, insured.

These prints are signed numbered and cataloged.

They are $125 each including shipping.

$100 each for 2 or more.

Professionally framed prints are also available for $425

To order prints please contact directly at timheffernanphotography@yahoo.com

Cows in HDR Photography

Very Limited Vintage Prints

I have some vintage prints for sale.

They are some early work about 25 years old printed by me.

These prints are signed numbered and cataloged.

Prices vary.

I will be adding them to the web site as time permits or you may contact directly at timheffernanphotography@yahoo.com to arrange a showing.

Cows in HDR Photography


Commision me to do a special portrait of you, your car, your house or other favorite object.

Please contact directly at timheffernanphotography@yahoo.com



Cows in HDR Photography